High Quality Needle Holders
Needle Holder: Needle Holders or Needle Drivers are one of the important surgery instrument which are used in multiple Surgery Procedures. Mainly Needle Holders is use to hold the suturing needle during surgery to close the wound.

Material: Surgical Instruments are made with different material according the customers demand. There are some metrials which are used during manufacturing of instruments like Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminium and Totanium. Smimilarly Needle Holders are made with all those above materials according to the custom requirements.
Types: There is a wide range of needle holders introduce by the specialists. Some of the mostly use and common needle holders are
1 Webster Needle Holder
2 Mayo-Hegar Needle Holder
3 Crile-Wood Needle Holder
4 Olsen-Hegar Needle Holder
5 Derf Needle Holder etc.
There are also other needle holders like Ryder French, Converse Needle Holders, Wangensteen Needle Holder, Carrol Needle Holders, Debakey Vascular Needle Holder, Brown Needle Holder and Heaney-Gyne Needle Holder. But the above mention in the list of 5 needle drivers are in common use.
Needle Holders Features: You can customize your instruments according to your requirements. You can get needle holders in Polish Finish, Dull Finish and also in Satin Finish. You can also get the Needle Holders with TC and Non-TC Handles. For customization of your instruments please go to K.T Surgico.
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Email: zain@ktsurgico.us
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